
Parentcraft Education

Parentcraft Education

1. Antenatal Classes:

CUMH are conducting interactive online antenatal and Parentcraft classes for expectant mothers and their partners. Classes cover late pregnancy, labour, birth and the transition to early parenthood.  Due to high volumes of bookings we wish that you do not book your classes until you are 28 weeks pregnant. To Book Email:  Please include your FULL name, email, MRN and due date.

2. Breastfeeding Classes

Across Ireland South Woman and Infants Directorate, breastfeeding is encouraged, supported, and promoted. Our Midwives are on hand to help you establish good breastfeeding practices in the days after your baby is born, and beyond.

Breastfeeding antenatal preparation classes are now running online every Monday morning from 10:00 to 12:30.  Partners are also welcome.  Bookings can be made by contacting cumh.breastfeedclass@hse.iePlease include your FULL name, email, MRN (hospital number) and due date in the email.

The interactive classes cover the following topics:

  • The Importance of Breastfeeding
  • Attachment and positioning
  • How Breastfeeding works
  • Issues that may affect the latch
  • Skin-to-Skin
  • How to know all is going well
  • Recognising when baby needs to feed
  • How can partners give practical support
  • Hand Expressing Colostrum
  •  Community Supports


3. Nutrition in Pregnancy Classes:

Learn all about your nutrition needs in pregnancy with a Dietician.  These online classes are recommended in early pregnancy from 12 weeks up until 20 weeks gestation. Classes are free and are 45 minutes long. To book your place please email and include your FULL name, email, MRN (hospital number) and due date in the email.

4. Domino Classes

Learn about The Domino (Domiciliary Care In and Out) of hospital offered to low risk women providing continuity of care, a hospital-based birth and an early discharge from hospital with full feeding support at home.. To book, please email and include your FULL name, email, MRN (hospital number) and due date in the email.

5. VBAC Classes

Learn about a vaginal birth after a caesarean. To book, please email and include your FULL name, email, MRN (hospital number) and due date in the email.

Online Videos:

The videos below are relevant for all expectant mothers. 

Online Learning - Pregnancy, Labour and Birth at CUMH:

List of useful videos filmed in Cork University Maternity Hospital, covering pregnancy, labour and birth, positions, pain relief, breastfeeding, nappy changing, safe sleep, emotions and more.

Online Learning - Labour (UHK):

Additional useful videos filmed in University Hospital Kerry, covering labour and birth, relevant for all mothers.

Online Learning - Postnatal CUMH:

List of videos filmed in Cork University Maternity Hospital, useful during the postnatal period including looking after yourself, exercises, posture, pelvic floor and more.

Online Learning - Postnatal UHK:

Additional videos filmed in University Hospital Kerry, useful during the postnatal period for all mothers. 

Online Learning - Breastfeeding:

List of videos, some filmed in Cork University Maternity Hospital, useful for breastfeeding mothers.