
Midwifery Education Programmes

Midwifery Education Programmes

Midwifery/Nursing education programmes are delivered in partnership with the Nursing and Midwifery Department at University College Cork.

The provision of a quality clinical learning environment is fundamental to the success of these programmes. In order to achieve this, the undergraduate and post graduate programmes are supported by the Midwifery Practice Development Team.

Undergraduate B.Sc. Midwifery Programme

The clinical component of the four year B.Sc. Midwifery programme is supported by:

  • The Allocations Liaison Officer Clare Fox Healy, who is responsible for allocating students at CUMH.  
  • The Clinical Placement Co-ordinator's Cora Murphy, Anne Twomey, Orlaith Spitere, and Karyn Walsh are responsible for supporting students to achieve the standards set by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).
Post Graduate Higher Diploma in Midwifery

Since September 2008 the Midwifery Practice Development Team has taken responsibility for the eighteen month post graduate Higher Diploma in Midwifery. This is co-ordinated by the Clinical Co-ordinator Fiona Kirby. This programme is available to qualified nurses (RGN) who wish to pursue a midwifery qualification.

Contact Details:
Clare Fox HealyAllocations Officer021-4920776
Elizabeth GriffinPostgraduate Clinical Co Ordinator087-6038029
Marie HealyClinical Skills Facilitator Postgraduate Student Midwives021-4920732
Fiona KirbyPractice Development Co-Ordinator


Kate LyonsPractice Development Co-Ordinator021-4934178
Karen MulhernClinical Skills Facilitator Birthing Suite021-4920544
Cora MurphyClinical Placement Co-Ordinator021-4920732
Josephine MurphyClinical Skills Facilatator NNU021-4920514
Orlaith SpitereClinical Placement Co-Ordinator021-4920732
Anne TwomeyClinical Placement Co-Ordinator021-4920725
Karyn WalshClinical Placement Co-Ordinator021-4920732