


The Urogynaecology department offers a multidisciplinary approach to assessing and treating women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

Our team includes Consultant Urogynaecologists – Professor Barry O’Reilly, Ms Orfhlaith O’Sullivan, Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan, Dr Deirdre Hayes Ryan, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Ann Humphreys, Clinical Nurse Manager Adele Hynes, and a team of Nurses, Midwives and specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapists. 


The department uses specialised investigations and treatments to provide detailed assessment and management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. This includes lower urinary tract symptoms, pelvic organ prolapse, painful bladder syndrome, lower bowel dysfunction, and perineal disorders following childbirth. We liaise closely with our colleagues in colorectal and urological surgery.

Referral to the Urogynaecology service is made through your GP or hospital Consultant. The letter is then triaged by one of our Consultants, where appropriate investigations and treatments will be conducted before review at the Consultant-led clinic.
Specialised Investigations and treatments provided are:
Continence Assessment Management and Promotion:

This service is available to women with any kind of continence issues. Many women come to us with issues of urinary stress or urge incontinence. We provide a confidential, non-judgemental service to help women overcome incontinence with information on lifestyle adjustments, caffeine restriction, bladder retraining and pelvic floor exercises.


We assess bladder function at our Urodynamic clinic. Urodynamics is a gold standard investigation, in the diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence. Your treatment plan will be made for you based on your Urodynamic results.

Women’s Health Physiotherapy:

Women’s health is a specific area of physiotherapy that addresses all gynaecological , urogynaecological and obstetric symptoms. During the session, your pelvic floor is assessed and a treatment plan commenced. Women’s health physiotherapy can improve your health fitness and well-being at any stage of your life, whether you are pregnant, a new mum, recovering from gynaecological surgery, experiencing incontinence, prolapse, painful intercourse, or pelvic girdle pain.

Vaginal Pessary:

This service is available to women with pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Various types of pessaries are used in the conservative management of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. A specialist nurse will carry out a vaginal examination, which will assess the size of the pessary needed.

Once you feel comfortable with your pessary you can go home. You will be able to carry on with your normal daily activities without any problems. 

We will ask you to come for a follow-up appointment in 3-6 months.

 Perineal Clinic:

This clinic is for women who have experienced a 3rd or 4th-degree tears during childbirth. This clinic is Consultant led.  You will be reviewed in the perineal clinic at a set time after giving birth. You will have a special test called anorectal manometry and an endo-anal ultrasound. We will advise and treat you based on your symptoms and the results of your tests.

 Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation:

Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) is a form of therapy called neuromodulation using electrical impulses through the insertion of a needle near the tibial nerve in the ankle. This treatment is used to treat overactive bladder syndrome and associated symptoms such as urgency, urge urinary incontinence, frequency of urination, and night voiding.

 Bladder Instillation Therapy:

If you have been diagnosed by a specialist as having Painful Bladder Syndrome (Interstitial Cystitis) several treatments may help.

  • One or more oral drugs such as anti-inflammatories, anti-spasmodic, and antidepressants
  • Bladder instillations or intramural injections
  • Bladder distension
  • Laser therapy or fulguration (specifically for Hunner’s lesions)
  • Neuromodulation/electrotherapy
  • Different forms of physical therapy and mind-body therapy
  • Myofascial therapy
  • Trigger point therapy and pelvic floor relaxation
Our Urogynaecology Department is based at The Lee Clinic, Lee Road, Cork 
