Colostrum Harvesting
Colostrum Harvesting
Antenatal colostrum harvesting can be the first step to successfully breastfeeding your baby. If it is anticipated that a baby may experience difficulties feeding or maintaining their blood sugar levels after birth, expressing colostrum antenatally means that your baby may have a supply of colostrum available if required, reducing the need to use artificial infant formula.
Before proceeding, please discuss this with your midwife, lactation consultant, or obstetrician for individual advice.
What is Colostrum?
- Colostrum is a fluid that is produced by the breasts from about 18-22 weeks of pregnancy and during the first few days after the birth.
- The appearance of colostrum may vary from dark yellow to clear; it can also be quite sticky.
- Colostrum is easily digested and the ideal food for your baby.
- Colostrum provides perfect nutrition specifically for your newborn baby.
- Colostrum is low in volume but high in energy, which is excellent to help prevent low blood sugar levels.
- Colostrum is a great laxative that helps with the early passage of meconium (baby's first bowel motion) which in turn assists in preventing jaundice.
What is Colostrum Harvesting?
Colostrum is in your breasts from around 20 weeks of pregnancy. We can start to hand express this colostrum from around 36 weeks of pregnancy. Colostrum is very important for babies; it is very concentrated and contains lots of protective properties to give your baby the best start.
Am I a suitable candidate to harvest colostrum before my baby is born?
Colostrum harvesting is NOT considered appropriate for anyone at risk of preterm delivery or anyone who has a history of a low-lying placenta or any bleeding in the pregnancy. Please discuss your suitability with an obstetrician or a midwife.
Who should Harvest Colostrum?
Any woman with the agreement of Obstetrician/Lactation Consultant can express antenatally. It is considered a great skill to learn before baby arrives. Colostrum harvesting is especially important for:
- Babies of Diabetic mothers (Diet or Insulin)
- Babies who have been monitored for being small or large
- Previous issues with establishing a supply
- Multiples eg. twins
- Planned caesarean births
- Mothers having had a previous breast surgery (maybe beneficial)
When can I start expressing?
Only hand express when harvesting colostrum, never use a pump. Generally, you may start hand-expressing colostrum from 36 weeks gestation and/or 2 weeks prior to babies arrival (planned section).
How do I hand express?
Before giving the colostrum to baby, the cap must always be removed from the syringe. Your baby can be at risk from a choking episode if the cap is not removed from the syringe as advised.
Seek advice from a Healthcare professional for guidance on how to feed the harvested colostrum to your baby.