
Pregnancy Loss

Pregnancy Loss

Bereavement & Loss Services at CUMH

The loss/ending of a pregnancy or the death of a baby can be a very difficult experience for parents and their families. The Bereavement and Loss service at CUMH led by Professor Keelin O’Donoghue provides comprehensive and dedicated clinical care and support to all who experience pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and an opportunity to discuss any concerns a woman or couple may have following pregnancy loss.

All women and partners attending Cork University Maternity Hospital, who experience pregnancy loss, are welcome to make contact with any of the professionals listed below.

Bereavement & Loss Midwives:

Bereavement and Loss team mobile: 0873409839

Niamh Howard Jones, Bereavement and Loss CMS: 0879052710

 Orla O'Connell, Bereavement and Loss CMS: 0879052739

Róisín O'Connor, Bereavement and Loss Midwife: 0874693665

Bereavement and Loss email:

Hospital Chaplains:

Julianna Crowley   

Daniel Nuzum

The Chaplains can be contacted through the hospital switchboard (021) 4920500


Maternity Social Work Service:

021 4920758


Annual Service of Remembrance

At CUMH, we hold an annual remembrance service, usually in October. For many, this service is an opportunity to acknowledge the loss of their pregnancy and to remember in a supported space with others who have experienced pregnancy loss.

Additional sources of information and support:

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Website

A valuable resource for parents who experience pregnancy loss or perinatal death, the website provides accurate and accessible information on a sensitive and often stigmatised subject, shares the latest research into the causes of baby loss, promotes emotional well-being, and offers details on how to access the appropriate support services.

Cork Miscarriage Website

This website has been created as a resource for anyone who needs information and support about early miscarriage. 

Some of the language used is medicalised and we are aware that this may be emotionally difficult to read. Nevertheless, it is important that you are aware of the medical terminology that is likely to be used by healthcare providers. We have provided a glossary of terms to refer to when reading the information. We have also provided additional information leaflets and web links that we hope will be of support to you.

The Pregnancy Loss Research Group Website

The Pregnancy Loss Research Group, based at CUMH and led by Professor O’Donoghue, leads national research to better understand pregnancy loss experiences and impacts, and the development of resources and evidence-based advice and interventions, to improve health care and health and social outcomes for women, babies, and their families. Read more about the Group’s work, and opportunities to get involved, on this website.