
Tipperary Visiting Arrangements

Tipperary Visiting Arrangements


  • Partners/nominated support person can attend the labour ward with the patient either via the front door or ED.
  • As per National Guidelines, the partner or nominated support person can be with the patient from 8-9 p.m. If the patient labours into the evening/night/overnight, the partner or support person can be present if desired.
  • The partner or support person can be with the woman until she is transferred back to the ward post-delivery. It is preferred that the partner/nominated support person would not alternate with another person.
  • Partners or nominated support persons can attend the booking scan, anomaly scan, or any other visit that may involve communication of particular emotional significance.
  • Partners/nominated support persons are welcome to attend the booking appointment; however, due to space constraints, on occasion, after the initial scan, they may be asked to wait in the foyer on the ground floor.


  • The mother and partner/nominated support person are facilitated in visiting the special care baby unit (SCBU). All visits can be arranged with the staff in that area; they are not time-limited. However, visiting the SCBU may be limited if the area is extremely busy. Parents of babies who have been discharged are encouraged to call SCBU at the start of the day and plan their visits with the staff. All visits will be facilitated.
Key People

Dr Vijayashree Hiremath - Clinical Lead Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr Attia Fathil – Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr Mostafa Abdalla – Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr Manal Younis - Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ms Maggie Dowling – Director of Midwifery
Ms Stasia McGuigan – Assistant Director of Midwifery
Ms Sinead Bracken - Clinical Midwife Manager 3 (CMM3)