COVID-19 Patient FAQ's
Patient Frequently Asked Questions COVID-19
We have listed some key questions we are receiving from patients below.
Please visit the NEW Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate website for the latest information and research on COVID-19 for pregnant women.
I’m feeling incredibly anxious about giving birth. What should I do to cope?
Many women are anxious about giving birth and the current situation can make things more stressful. Having a plan in place for your birth can help. We recommend sitting down with your partner to discuss the birth and draw up a birth plan. This can include details on who to phone when the labour begins, and who is to be your birthing partner when you give birth.
Please be reassured that our midwives are there to support you and will do their best to make the experience of giving birth as positive as they can and will guide you through each step. Please focus on taking care of yourself as much as you possibly can. Eat and drink well, and try to enjoy being pregnant as it is a special time.
What do I do if I have a COVID-19 related query or concern, eg I am waiting to be swabbed / waiting for swab results, or my partner is?
We would ask you to contact the CUMH reception on 021 492 0500 and state you have a COVID-19 related query/concern. They will direct your call to a staff member who can address this with you.
Is it safe to continue antenatal check-ups?
We understand that you may be fearful about going to appointments while recommendations are in place such as such as staying home and practicing physical distancing. However, we still advise you to attend antenatal appointments where scheduled.
We’ve taken steps to make it as safe as possible, such as screening on entry, social distancing in waiting rooms and availability of hand sanitizers. If you have any specific concerns, please do call us.
I am pregnant – should I still go to work?
What should I pack to go into hospital given the coronavirus outbreak?
You don’t need to pack anything more than you would do usually. The HSE has advice on what to bring in a compact hospital bag for labour and birth.
What if I need support during induction/early labour?
We are committed to providing you with excellent midwifery support in all stages of labour. You will have a midwife in the induction room at all times, you will be kept informed and you will be supported throughout.
When you are in the strong, active stage of labour your support person will be contacted and asked to come in for further support.
Can my birth partner come in with me when I give birth?
What if my partner can’t be at the birth and I need support?
How will I be supported on the postnatal ward after my birth partner goes home?
The healthcare staff in CUMH are committed to providing you with support when caring for your baby on the postnatal floor. You will have a call bell beside your bed and your midwife will be in to you regularly. You will be offered discharge home as soon as you are up and well, with a follow up phone call from your ward.
Our postnatal supports and services are still available within the hospital such as a visit by one of our lactation consultants on the wards.
For all information related to CUMH and COVID-19 please visit our COVID-19 safety notice page.