You may meet with the following staff during the care of your baby at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
Unit Manager:
Grainne McNabola CNM3
There are 8 Consultant Neonatologists;
Dr Peter Filan,
Professor Gene Dempsey
Professor Brian Walsh
Dr Liam O’Connell
Dr Mmoloki Kenosi
Dr Andrea Pavel
Dr Caroline Aherne
Dr Aisling Garvey
Doctors wear grey scrubs.
NCHDs wear wine scrubs.
Clinical Nurse Managers wear navy scrubs.
Neonatal nursing staff wear teal tunic tops and teal trousers.
Neonatal nurse specialist wear royal blue tunic tops and royal blue trousers.
Midwifery/Nursing students wear a white tunic top and navy trousers
Medical students wear purple tunic top and trousers with UCC logo/ multi-coloured.
Pharmacy staff wear green top and navy trousers
Physiotherapists wear a white top and navy trousers.
Speech and language therapists wear a red top and black trousers
Occupational Therapists wear white top and green trousers.
Dieticians wear white tunic top and navy trousers.
Health care assistant wear a light green striped top and navy trousers.
Hospital cleaning staff wears navy top and navy trousers.
The Social Worker, Chaplain and Psychologist wear their everyday formal clothes.
We also have visiting consultants including; Ophthalmology, Radiology, Paediatric specialities such as Neurology, Cardiology, Endocrinology and other specialists.
Neonatal Consultants
Your baby will be admitted under the care of one named Neonatologist who will be their primary Consultant. Each week a rotation of a different Consultant Neonatologist will occur in NICU and SCBU. The Neonatologist, on service for that area, will review your baby each day and decide on a plan of care.
Clinical Nurse Managers (CNMs)
CNM’s are responsible for managing the day-to-day issues of the unit on the day and night shifts and organising staff and baby allocation. They will be present on the ward rounds each day.
Neonatal Nurses
Your baby will be allocated to the care of a named Neonatal Nurse every shift both day and night and will provide care and on-going assessment for your baby.
Clinical Skills Facilitator (CSF)
The CSF provides information, education, and up-skilling for staff and students on the unit.
CNM2 (Discharge Co-Ordinator)
The Discharge Co-Ordinator will provide support and education around your babies discharge.
CNS (Developmental Care - NIDCAP)
The CNS provides support and education to parents around all aspects of developmental care.
Neonatal Dietician
The Dietician provides specialist advice to support your baby’s nutrition and growth.
The Pharmacist
A hospital pharmacist visits the neonatal unit each day to ensure that all the necessary medications are available for the infants. They give advice on medication use to the doctors and nurses and check that the doses prescribed are appropriate for each individual baby. They assist in the prescribing of parenteral nutrition (TPN) and intravenous fluids in the NICU.
Neonatal Physiotherapist
All infants born under 1.5kg or before 32 weeks gestation are routinely assessed by the neonatal physiotherapist in the neonatal unit and followed-up post discharge. The physiotherapist is involved in implementing the principles of developmental care, neurodevelopment positioning and handling to achieve optimal motor development (“milestones”). Parents will be advised on a home exercise programme incorporating the appropriate treatment and stimulation for their baby after they are discharged home. In addition to premature babies, the physiotherapist, as part of the multidisciplinary team, may treat babies who have musculoskeletal, neurological or developmental issues.
Neonatal Speech & Language Therapists
The Speech and Language Therapy service is involved with ensuring the most efficient, safe and comfortable feeding experience, for you and your baby. We are also involved with the development of early communication skills and emotional attachment between parent and child
Neonatal Occupational Therapist
The Occupational Therapist works with the following areas of your baby’s care: 1. Therapeutic positioning to enhance flexor posture, prevent deformities and maintain optimal positioning. 2. Sensory stimulation (from 33 weeks) when the baby is alert and awake for interaction. 3. Feeding support, 4. Newborn behavioural assessments, 5. Splints fabrication if needed, 6. Support group during the stay in the unit for parents and 7.Follow-up after discharge .
Neonatal Social Worker
The Department of Clinical Social Work offers an emotional support and counselling service to all parents and siblings of a baby admitted to the Neonatal Unit, both within the hospital and post discharge. We can assist with discharge planning, particularly if your baby has special needs. The Social Work Department also offers a professional bereavement counselling service to all families upon their request. You can be referred by your baby’s medical team or self-refer, by contacting the Department on 021-4920567.
Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy Neonatal Chaplaincy
There is a multi-denominational chaplaincy and pastoral care team available to provide spiritual and pastoral support to you and your baby 24 hours per day. If it any stage you wish for your baby to receive a blessing or to have a religious/ spiritual ceremony such as a baptism or naming please ask the neonatal staff nurse to arrange this. If you would like to arrange a visit from your own faith/ spiritual leader, the pastoral care team are happy to organise this for you.
There is a multi-denominational prayer room available beside the NNU.